Dig This Collection of Star Wars Masks and Helmets
Once more from the farthest reaches of the internet, I bring you cool Star Wars stuff. This time, it’s a gallery Star Wars masks and helmets used in the original trilogy. Most of these closeup pictures were taken within the last few years or so, so you have to expect some visible wear and tear. Still, they’re fascinating documents that went into the magic of the first three films.
Up first is a snowtrooper helmet from The Empire Strikes Back. Bet you never knew they had green eyepieces!
Also from The Empire Strikes Back, here’s an original Ugnaught foam latex mask. You remember the Ugnaughts as the little pig people who worked in Cloud City and helped prep the carbonite machine for Han Solo.
Here are three different angles of a regular ol’ Stormtrooper helmet, worn during the filming of Return of the Jedi by stuntman Billy Horrigan.
Now here’s something you’ve probably never seen before, and that has since been wiped from existence by George Lucas. It’s the latex headpiece worn by Emperor Palpatine in The Empire Strikes Back. The Emperor was originally played by Elaine Baker, with Clive Revill providing the voice. They’ve since both been replaced in the DVD by Ian McDiarmid.
Up next is a pair of masks from the famous Cantina sequence in Star Wars: A New Hope. Here’s a mask for one of the aliens in the Cantina, known as Ellorrs Madak.
Here’s a mask for the creature known as M’iiyoom Onith, affectionately known by the crew as Yam Head.
Do I even have to tell you who this is?
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It’s always been my geeky dream to own both the classic Stormtrooper and Boba Fett helmets, but dang…too pricey. Pictures will have to do.