The Wonderful World of View-Master: New York
The New Jersey and New York City View-Master reels from the 1950s were the subject of some of the earliest running features on my blog. I didn’t show every image from the New York reels, choosing instead to hit what I thought were the highlights.
Here, you get the whole thing – all the reels, all the slide images. Even the ones that look like modern-day photos of the Big Apple with an Instagram filter applied.
The New York City reels were released at least a few times. The ones I own have a 1950 and 1952 copyright date, but I’m not positive of their original date of manufacture.
But enough talk. Let’s check out the city that never sleeps!
Click on any image to see the full-size version. Or you can go back to the View-Master home.
- Departure of the “Queen Elizabeth” from New York
- St. Patrick’s Cathedral
- Rockefeller Center
- The Empire State Building (Height – 1250 ft.)
- In Central Park
- 3500 ft. span of the George Washington Bridge
- Skyscrapers Including the Chrysler Building (Height – 1046 ft.)
- Statue of Liberty
- Lower Manhattan From Liberty Ferry
- Park Avenue
- Brooklyn Bridge From Brooklyn
- Washington Square
- Bathing Beach at Coney Island
- Times Square at Night