The Wonderful World of View-Master: ElectraWoman and DynaGirl
Here’s one of the more bizarre View-Master reel sets in my collection. It was issued to promote the short-lived live action series Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, which ran for just 16 episodes in 1976. It was one of the segments aired during the first season of The Krofft Supershow, which itself only lasted for two years.
Electra Woman and Dyna Girl followed the adventures of two comely reporters for Newsmaker magazine — Lori/Electra Woman (Deidre Hall) and Judy/Dyna Girl (Judy Strangis). Over the course of the series the pair battled an array of colorful villains like the Pharaoh, the Sorcerer, Glitter Rock, Ali Baba, Spider Lady, and the Empress of Evil.
The segments seemed to be a none-too-subtle homage to the Batman TV show from the ’60s, as you’ll see in this clip of the opening theme. It’s funky and full of helpful back story!
Anyway, let’s get right to the tepid action of the three-reel Electra Woman and Dyna Girl View-Master set (H3 002, ©1977 for those keeping score).
Click on any image to see the full-size version. Or you can go back to the View-Master home.
- “Spider Lady has returned,” said Frank.
- “We’ll lure Electrawoman into our trap!”
- Spider Lady’s web caught Electrawoman!
- But she freed herself with the ElectraComp.
- “Welcome to my parlor!” said Spider Lady.
- With ElectraComp gone, Lori was helpless.
- She was held in Xerograph by force field.
- Spider Lady’s assistant threw the switch-
- –and Spider Lady had become Lori’s “twin”!
- “I’ve duplicated your voice everything.”
- Spider Lady freed five hungry tarantulas.
- Even Dynagirl was fooled by the “disguise.”
- At Electrobase, fake “Lori” planted bomb.
- Tarantulas were on Electrawoman’s legs by now!
- Still disguised, Spider Lady took the sacred idol.
- Dynagirl’s ElectraComp went dead.
- Dynagirl was amazed to see two Loris!
- But Spider Lady changed back to real self.
- Chasing her, the girls bumped an old lady.
- It was Spider Lady in another disguise!
- They caught her on roof, rescued the idol.