Dig This Beatles Help! Motorized Promotional Display (Capitol, 1965)

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From the heady days of Beatlemania comes this outstanding piece of music retail history. It’s a motorized display produced by Capitol Records to promote the Beatles’ new Help! album and movie. It’s basically nothing more than a two-foot by two-foot box with a set of cardboard hands that pops out, but because it’s the Beatles it automatically becomes cool.

Let’s check it out:

Beatles Help! Motorized Promotional Display (Capitol, 1965)

The box with the lid open.

Beatles Help! Motorized Promotional Display (Capitol, 1965)

That’s Ringo’s hand with the ring (of course).

Beatles Help! Motorized Promotional Display (Capitol, 1965)

outside cardboard cover

Beatles Help! Motorized Promotional Display (Capitol, 1965)

Assembly instructions

Beatles Help! Motorized Promotional Display (Capitol, 1965)

The closed box with a photo of the Fab Four.

If you want to see this neat little promo item in action, check out this video: