Sherlock Holmes has an older brother, and his name is Mycroft.
At 727 feet, the Renaissance Center is the tallest building in Michigan (the Empire State Building, by comparison, is 1,250 feet).
Geraldine Doyle is the model for the iconic WWII “We Can Do It!” poster, but didn’t even know it until 1984.
Gargoyle originates from the French word gargouille, originally “throat” or “gullet”.
California currently has 53 congressional districts in the US House of Representatives, the most in the country. Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming each have one. Washington D.C. has one non-voting delegation.
The Persian word for snow is rendered in English as barf, and is a product line of soaps in Iran.
It’s true ’cause it’s on the Internet. It’s double true because it’s on Wikipedia.