Catalog Goodness #3: Late ’70s Exercise Equipment

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I know that making fun of 1970s fashion is an easy thing to do, and I certainly enjoy a good bell-bottom or earth tone joke as much as the next guy. But one thing that gets overlooked in ’70s jokes is how primitive the home exercise equipment of that time looks compared to now.

To illustrate, here are three pages from the Fall 1977 Sears catalog that showcase home workout equipment made up of approximately 86.3% pipes and belts. Let’s get physical!

Late '70s Exercise Equipment from the Fall 1977 Sears catalog

Triple Action Progress-A-Cyzer. Dig it.

Late '70s Exercise Equipment from the Fall 1977 Sears catalog

OK, that thing on the bottom is literally just a board with some rods attached.

Late '70s Exercise Equipment from the Fall 1977 Sears catalog

I’m pretty sure half of this stuff is banned by the Geneva Convention.

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