Watching Glee has become reverse porn for me

OK, that's enough singing. Seriously, stop.
Yeah I watch Glee, so what? YOU CAN’T JUDGE ME! I’ve been a fan since the pilot episode, although I want to make it clear that I am not a Gleek. When those plucky New Directions kids busted out Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'” at the end of that episode even a cynical bastard like me felt good about it. Those good feelings carried through for most of the first season and I enjoyed the show’s mix of humor, darkness, and unabashedly hammy musical performances.
But as the second season wore on, I found myself losing interest in the musical numbers. I’m not that big a Broadway fan to begin with, and my tolerance for movie musicals is only slightly higher. After awhile I just feel worn down by the over-the-top earnestness of Broadway music, and it all just feels so corny. So that’s a problem. And then on top of that, Glee started pulling out entire episodes dedicated to one artist. I could hang with the Madonna one, but I think I watched ten minutes of that first Lady Gaga shitstorm. Almost any time the show launches into a number from the last decade or so, I totally zone out.
So where does the reverse porn comparison come in? Simple — I’m watching the third season now, and I find myself routinely fast-forwarding through just about all the singing — especially Rachel’s numbers (seen one, seen ’em all). That means I am skipping the musical performances (sex scenes) in a show that is ostensibly built around musical performances, in order to just watch the dialogue. Reverse porn. Well, except for Blaine’s songs. That boy can sing good!
Once I get past the music and focus on the plot, believe it or not, the show itself is still quite good. And hey, by skipping the songs I can blow through an episode in about 25 or 30 minutes, which leaves more time for Storm Chasers!
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Christina Majaski
Ha! Reverse porn. Never watched it but maybe I should, at least for the dialogue.