Star Trek – The Lost Logs (Kirk)
Don’t ask me how I got a hold of these. All I’ll say is that many brave Bothans died to bring me this information. That’s right, I said Bothans. Here now is a never-before revealed entry written by Capt. James T. Kirk himself…
Captain’s Log, Stardate 4732.4 –
I will never understand women. I’ve explored the far reaches of the galaxy, I’ve defeated more enemies than I can remember, and I’ve bedded more alien women than anyone in Starfleet history. And yet that damned ice princess, Nurse Chapel, eludes me.
It’s not as if I haven’t tried, believe me. Just last week I went to sickbay for my regular checkup, and when she walked in I was wearing nothing but my boots and a hint of Skagaran Musk. She ran away screaming something about violating Starfleet protocol and formal complaints and blah blah blah. Next thing I know Bones is cupping Little Tiberius and telling me to turn my head and cough. He sure does have soft hands though, I have to give him that.
Ah Christine Chapel, you are mine and you don’t even know it yet!
This is so perfect. I’ve just been reading some posts on inappropriate behavior in the tech field. I think you just summed up the “wrong way”.