Catalog Goodness #1: Roy Rogers/Dale Evans Cowboy & Cowgirl Outfits, 1957
In Sears Catalog Goodness I pull one page from a vintage Sears catalog to highlight neat, interesting, or just plain funny images and products sold by one of America’s greatest retailers once upon a time.
From the 1957 Sears Christmas catalog we have what look like Halloween costumes but are absolutely not.
If you were a kid in the 1950s then I don’t have to tell you how large the whole Western genre loomed in American pop culture. In particular, two of its biggest stars were Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, whose career began in the 1930s and spanned decades.
Given that, it was not at all strange for boys and girls to dress like cowboys and cowgirls just because. It didn’t even need to be Halloween. I suppose the closest thing we have to that now is when little girls dress like Disney princesses.