Scenes from a 1970s Kmart
Like many of you, the heyday of department stores and discount stores is still filled with warm feelings of nostalgia. So imagine my delight in stumbling across these photographs taken at a Kmart sometime in the 1970s. I have little other information to go on here — no year or location. But perhaps one of my eagle-eyed readers can discern both from some clues in these pics. What they show is a very busy Kmart somewhere (presumably) in the western United States. All I know is that the store — located right next to a Safeway — was packed that day and people were really into the yarn.
Noneya Business
Sorry about the usernqme–I don’t like Google watching me, but I have an Android phone (I may just go back to landline only; they don’t spy!) Definitely NorCal–Safeway is NorCal branding; in SoCal (like LA) they’re called Von’s.
With nothing but mountain in the distance, I wonder if it’s San Leandro or the Tri-Valley, but I wasn’t in CA until the early 2000s, and I only stayed in the Bay Area before moving to LA county in 2015, so I have no idea.