New Rush single released – “Far Cry”
As a longtime Rush geek, I always look forward to new album releases, new songs, new tours, etc. So I was delighted to stop by their home page and see that the first single from their upcoming Snakes & Arrows album, “Far Cry,” was released today. A streaming .mp3 sample is currently available on rush.com.
After just a few listens, I like it. The arrangement is in keeping with the songs on Vapor Trails and Test for Echo, but with some old-school flourishes thrown in (the Hemispheres-era chord changes are so sweet). Even though it’s a slightly muddled .mp3, I can already tell that new producer Nick Raskulinecz has done a good job keeping the sound clean but aggressive. Vapor Trails lost points with a lot of Rush fans for being way too “hot” in the mix.
One thing that I hope isn’t a trend – no Alex Lifeson guitar solo!?!?!$#@# Look, I know that the days of the guitar god are over, and I guess a lot of people see guitar solos as relics of the past, but dammit I miss them! It doesn’t have to be a 3-minute wankfest, but I need something. Hopefully the new album isn’t solo-less, a la Vapor Trails.
Snap judgment – Not as good as the best material on Vapor Trails, but better than the filler on that album. In any case, the album and tour cannot come quickly enough!
(the Hemispheres-era chord changes are so sweet).
They really are. I’ve taken to calling it One Little Prestospheres.
At least the damn thing sounds like it’s mixed right… and look for a gift in your email.