My very own Muxtape
For once I am actually aware of a hot new internet trend/fad before it’s totally played out. Last week saw the launch of Muxtape, a site designed for one thing and one thing only: to allow users to share music. You register an account (an email is asked for but not verified) and receive a unique URL (which you give to others so they can hear your mix). Then you get down to uploading songs. That’s it essentially.
Each mix allows for up to 12 tracks, which stream but can’t be downloaded. Well, not easily anyway. As for the legality of the whole thing…well let’s just say I wouldn’t bank on the site being around for too long. They throw up some boilerplate legal mumbo jumbo meant to cover their asses but I don’t see it holding up if the labels come knocking on their door.
So enjoy it while it lasts, and feel free to post a link to your Muxtape right here! And because you knew I couldn’t resist, here’s mine.
Yeah, I think I’ll skip a service that actually asks me to upload music illegally so that they can share it. Neat idea, but I think I’ll just wait until I can do my own podcasts.