Is This Blue Bell Potato Chips Bag the Coolest Thing Ever?
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If I didn’t know any better I’d swear that this vintage Blue Bell Potato Chips bag was designed rather recently, and by someone with a real love for retro styling. In fact, this may just be the most perfect example of mid-century packaging graphic design I’ve ever seen.
Let’s take a look and then review why this is so great, shall we?
- The Blue Bell logo is strong, and I love how it incorporates the clapper into the product description. (Not sure what “smoky flavored” is supposed to mean, however.)
- To further the bell motif, there are musical notes for “fresh” and “crisp,” which is just great. So very mid-century.
- The yellow portion of the bag design appears to be somewhat Googie-influenced, even if subtly so.
- Although I had no knowledge of the “10 cents” graphic when I designed my logo, I appreciate the similarity. But just for the record, I was inspired by a few different old logos.
- That’s some phenomenal design work on the family right there. And as a very nice, subtle touch, note the recursion on the bag of chips the little girl is holding.
Seriously, if you can’t have fun eating chips from a bag that looks like this then I don’t even want to talk to you.
According to what I’ve been able to find on the internet, the Blue Bell Potato Chip Company is still around. Or at least some company called Blue Bell and located in Bend, Oregon is. If anyone reading this is affiliated with them, I would be eternally grateful if you could hook me up with one of these vintage chip bags or anything that resembles it.
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