Make Your Own 1950s Space Patrol Helmets!
In the 1950s there were two genres that ruled the TV and radio airwaves — space adventures and westerns. One of the most popular space-themed shows was Space Patrol, which aired on ABC from 1950 through 1955. Kids not only loved Space Patrol and the adventures of Commander-in-Chief Buzz Corry (Ed Kemmer) and his crew, they wanted to be like them too.
And so we come to this charming little nugget from television’s golden age, as Commander Corry tells kids how they can make their very own Desert Crash Helmet from household parts.
Notice the part where he holds up a picture featuring an article in the August 1953 issue of Woman’s Day that tells you which parts to use.
That looks pretty nifty, huh? I bet you’d like to see what that looks like in color, right? Well here you go!
(via Flickr user pcarsola)
Man, they just don’t things like this for kids anymore do they?
But wait! In that very same issue of Woman’s Day is another set of instructions; this one for a pair of Captain Video emergency helmets.
(via Flickr user pcarsola)
Personally I think the Captain Video helmets are cooler.