Listening Booth – David Sylvian & Robert Fripp, “Jean the Birdman”
When he wanted to put together yet another version of King Crimson in the early 1990s, Robert Fripp reached out to Japan co-founder David Sylvian. Sylvian passed at the opportunity, but the pair went ahead released a studio album in 1993 anyway. This is the best cut from that album — “Jean the Birdman”. It’s a bit goofy, but the song more than makes up for it.
So given that this video was produced in ’93, how do you think it fared on MTV?
Could this be a version of Crimson then with the rhythm section of Trey Gunn and Pat wotsis name, Fripp is still a massive influence on loads of people from Tool and Porcupine Tree to all the “live loopers” From Katy Tunstall to Andrew Bird to Matt Stevens(www.mattstevensguitar.com – very Fripp goes flamenco)