Let It Be Over
I don’t know how poor Jim J. Bullock got left out of this video, but it’s transcendent just the same. Here’s the version of The Beatles’ immortal “Let It Be” you never even knew you needed.
Whatever this Gylne Tider (“Golden Times”) program is in Norway, they sure have one hell of a booking director. I mean, they got the living guy from Milli Vanilli? And Dolph Lundgren?
I just pray that this wasn’t the last thing Leslie Nielsen recorded before he died. That’s just no way to go out.
Here’s a partial list of the luminaries doing their best Beatles karaoke:
- Roger Moore
- Huey Lewis
- Jason Alexander
- Ricki Lake
- Josie Biesett
- Alberto Tomba
- John Nettles
- George Wendt
- Paul Mackenna
- Philip Michael Thomas
- Glenn Close
- Gorden Kaye
- Pamela Anderson
- Leslie Nielsen
- Dolph Lundgren
- Kelly McGillis
- Sherilyn Fenn
- Daryl Hannah
- Lou Ferrigno
- Peter Falk
- Kathleen Turner
- Steve Guttenberg!!!
Don Newbury
If they were all really singing, then half of them sounded pretty good.