Honda’s Presidents Day Commercial Is My New Jam
Up until recently, every Presidents Day sale commercial I had seen was either stupid, disrespectful or both. And then I caught this Executive Office Slow Jam from Honda.
Oh yes, that is glorious. And inspired.
“Who’s your founding father?”
“Talkin’ ’bout the red, white, and bluetooth.”
I need to watch this again. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln have never seemed so damn soulful.
When I first saw the Lincoln/Washington commercial I had to call my wife and I have to honest she did not find it as entertaining as I did. It has to be one of the most entertaining commercials I have seen in a long time. “I want to four score a deal for you” are lyrics I cannot get out of my head and sing often. Lets take it for what is “a commercial” and appreciate the ad agencies creativity.” I see you Abe” and I will view this commercial over and over again!