Commercials I Hate — Chobani Real Love Stories (Stephen)
I don’t want to hate these new Chobani “Real Love” spots. I happen to be a real-life Chobani consumer, and have been for a few years. So imagine my disappointment at seeing this complete dork on my TV:
OK, so let’s talk about the most obviously annoying aspects of this spot:
- Dude can’t even pronounce the name of the company correctly. What the hell is Trobani?
- He shovels that yogurt down his gullet with the same grip a kid uses to eat a bowl of cereal. Hey jerkoff, how about putting the bike away and learning a little table etiquette?
- I don’t know if it’s sadder that this guy might have actually biked 80 miles to visit a yogurt factory, or that he brags about it.
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personally, I find him completely adorable.