Absentee Moms Choose Kool-Aid!
From 1959 through 1962, Kool-Aid (and its parent company, General Foods) ran a print ad campaign to showcase its various flavors. Each ad had the same setup — a family member (usually mom) had to leave the house for a while, wrote a note for those left behind, and mixed a pitcher of delicious Kool-Aid.
Visually, it was a very attractive campaign. And judging by the fact that it lasted for several years I’m guessing it was pretty successful too.
Now of course I’m joking about the absentee mom thing, but it does seem odd that several of these ads feature notes from a missing parent. As a latchkey kid myself, I know all about that.
Anyway, enjoy the ads! There are 17 of them in case you’re counting.
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Dr Duke
If you ever get the chance check out the Kool-Aid exhibit at the museum in Hastings Nebraska. Better yet go during Kool-Aid days! http://kool-aiddays.com/