Welcome to Cardboard America on GFS!
Quite a few years ago, I discovered that there was someone out there on the internet who loves old postcards even more than I do. No, not James Lileks, although he clearly does too. I’m talking about my ‘net buddy Jordan L. Smith of The Pie Shops. His collection of postcards and vintage ephemera dwarfs mine by a rather large order of magnitude.
I’ve been looking for a way to team with Jordan for some time now, and we actually have a rather exciting project in the works right now. But until that’s ready — and even after it is — he has graciously agreed to allow his fantastic Cardboard America Tumblr feed to be syndicated on this site. So every once in a while you’ll see some of the best vintage postcards the internet has to offer showcased not only on Cardboard America but on this blog as well. Bonus!
A big advance thanks is in order for Jordan, so thanks! And if you like the cards you see here, stop by his Pie Shops Facebook page and give it a Like. Tell him I sent you!