Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Reel 3
This is it folks — the thrilling, action-packed, spandex-clad conclusion to the epic showdown between the heroic (if not slightly befuddled) duo of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl and the teeth-clenching villainy of Spider Lady! In case you’ve just joined us, you can catch up on the first two reels here and here.
#1 — Still disguised, Spider Lady took the sacred idol.
Wait, what’s this about an idol? When the hell did this enter the story? This might just be the first MacGuffin in View-Master history.
#2 — Dynagirl’s ElectraComp went dead.
#3 — Dynagirl was amazed to see two Loris!
What! Two Electra Women?! Now we’ll get half the investigating done!
#4 — But Spider Lady changed back to real self.
You know, if Electra Woman did a little less posing she’d get a lot more crime fighting done.
#5 — Chasing her, the girls bumped an old lady.
Gimme that idol you old bag!
#6 — It was Spider Lady in another disguise!
Wait — how come she needed those transport pods from The Fly to disguise herself before, but now she just needs an empty soundstage?
#7 — They caught her on roof, rescued the idol.
It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that Dyna Girl is the engine that makes this pair go. She springs into action while Electra Woman and Spider Lady get involved in a pose-down.
Well that wraps it up kids. I hope you enjoyed yet another look into yesteryear courtesy View-Master. I have no idea what I’ll be presenting next, but you better believe it will be mildly entertaining!
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- "dyna girl", "dynagirl", "Electra Woman Dyna Girl"