Trailer Trash: Wild, Wild Planet
I stumbled across this crazy-ass science fiction film while I was researching wire photos for my Facebook page. It’s called Wild, Wild Planet and it looks absolutely terrible in the best way possible.
The movie was released in Italy 1965 (where it was called I Criminali della Galassia) but has a definite ’50s vibe about it. The trailer bills it as the first space horror movie, which is something to hang your hat on I guess. I have no idea what the hell is going on here, and I suspect that watching the full movie would be even more confusing. There’s some people with four arms, and then there’s some really strong women who can kick ass.
There’s also an attempt to merge a man and a woman into something called a “bi sapien,” which is a dumb name because that translates roughly to “two knowing,” not “two humans” as I’m sure they thought it meant.
My head hurts. Somebody hold me.