This Week in History! (February 22-28)
*February 23, 1927: The Federal Radio Commission (precursor to today’s FCC) is created with the passage of the Radio Act of 1927. President Calvin Coolidge urges the Commission to execute their duties with “all urgent haste”, as Howard Stern’s first show is only 50 years away.
*February 25, 1964: A 22-year-old Olympic champion upstart by the name of Cassius Clay defeats heavyweight boxing champion Sonny Liston by TKO. Clay changed his name to Muhammad Ali a week later, but I don’t care. His momma name him Clay, I’m gonna call him Clay.
*February 24, 1988: With their 8-0 verdict in Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, the United States Supreme Court rules that public figures cannot sue for being made the subject of satire. The decision clears the final obstacle in the path of Larry Flynt becoming the most annoying turd in the nation (until Glenn Beck).
*February 22, 1980: The U.S. men’s hockey team does something at the Olympics, but I can’t recall what exactly.
*February 24, 1958: The Silhouettes hit the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart this week with the doo-wop staple “Get a Job”. Something tells me that a contemporary remake is not forthcoming anytime soon.
*February 24, 1981: Socialite Jean Harris is convicted of murdering Dr. Herman Tarnower, the so-called Scarsdale Diet Doctor. The case is dramatized years later in the Tony Award-winning musical Scarsdale Surprise, starring the lovely Ms. Raquel Welch.
*February 25, 1779: Lt. Col. George Rogers Clark leads 130 giggling American and French volunteers into Fort Sackville after the British surrender it.
*February 24, 1917: President Woodrow Wilson’s efforts to keep the United States out of World War I are dealt a huge blow when he learns of the Zimmermann Telegram, a proposed military alliance between Germany and Mexico. The usually staid and diplomatic Wilson is overheard by aides muttering, “Those slimy fucking Huns!”
*February 28, 1983: The final episode of M*A*S*H is watched by more people than any TV show to that point, setting the stage for the highly anticipated, can’t-miss spinoff series, AfterMASH.