The Best of the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit — 2011
It’s been another fun and challenging year heading up my little internet concern, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit. As always, I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who stop by regularly and even share my content with others. This is not a money-making operation for me, so it’s gratifying to know that if my site went poof tomorrow there’d at least be a few of you who would notice for a few minutes.
The biggest happening around these parts is that I finally launched a more permanent site, of which this blog is now but a section. If you haven’t done so yet, please stop by the home site, browse around, and tell your friends and enemies!
OK, enough schmaltz and plugs. I wrote a lot of stuff this past year, some of which was actually pretty popular. Here are the ten most popular posts from this site in 2011.
Yup, turns out annoying hipster douchebags in car commercials boil your blood as much as they do mine. Take this young married couple from this Subaru commercial. And then roll them and their car into a lake.
Many of my most enduring posts are from the Album Cover of the Week series, and this one is the all-time winner. It’s a two-volume Beatles compilation, known more commonly as the Red Album and Blue Album.
If you haven’t watched the History Channel show American Pickers, you can probably stay away from this pie chart I designed. If you have, then look at it now.
I was inspired by the popular Women Laughing While Eating Salad gallery to create this one, featuring people holding their headphones while… well, the title pretty much gives it away.
I love these Google matchups, and really should do more of them. This one came about over the summer during the nut-punchingly obnoxious pissing match over America’s debt ceiling. Remember that?
This is probably my most enduring image gallery, which is just fine by me. It’s just my tiny way of paying tribute to all who have sacrificed for our country since its founding.
I was shocked at the reaction to this one. It went live earlier in December and it cracked the top five. You’d think I drew this map of New Jersey, divided into sections based on the types of people who live here, but I didn’t.
The most popular crab fishing-related post I’ve done, my Deadliest Catch drinking game was published in 2009. I was still a big fan of the show then, although I didn’t even bother watching after Captain Phil Harris died.
This moved up four spots from last year’s list, even though these spots (featuring Pomplamoose) didn’t even air this holiday season. It probably found traction this time thanks to a new round of annoying Hyundai commercials, but none of them made me want to kill nuns like the Pomplamoose spot.
Credit the power of StumbleUpon for the popularity of my little gallery of wartime propaganda posters. It was fun to put together, as it combined my love of history and ephemera, so that’s a bonus too.