Retrotisements — Super Bowl edition

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These days, most of the Super Bowl-related ads I see are for giant TVs. You know, to watch The Big Game. So I was a bit surprised to see that most companies riding the Super Bowl popularity train back in the day just decided to give stuff away. Tickets, mostly.

If you dig these classic advertisements, head over to the main site and my gallery of Retrotisements.

Aqua Velva Super Bowl advertisement - 1970

Aw, Burt Lancaster doesn’t need your prizes, he just loves being part of the team!

I would love to know which team the lucky winner of this contest got to become a part owner of. Of course it didn’t specify the NFL, so it really could be anything. Hopefully not the Cleveland Browns. (Aqua Velva, 1970)

Eveready batteries Super Bowl contest ad with Terry Bradshaw, 1973

The good news is you can win tickets to the Super Bowl and Hawaii! The bad news is you have to hang out with Terry Bradshaw. (Eveready, 1973)

White Owl Super Bowl advertisement - 1973

If anyone can track down a copy of that Super Quarterbacks LP, I will be your friend forever. (White Owl cigars, 1973)

Eveready batteries Super Bowl contest ad with Terry Bradshaw, 1974

Ah crap, this guy again? (Eveready, 1974)

Riddell & Gus Super Bowl advertisement - 1976

You don’t see a lot of Super Bowl/movie tie-ins these days, so this one for the 1976 Disney live-action film Gus — starring Don Knotts, and featuring a cameo from Johnny Unitas! — is a standout. (Riddell, 1976)

MSA Super Bowl Fran Tarkenton advertisement - 1977

I suppose choosing Fran Tarkenton as the pitchman for this promo made sense in 1977. The Vikings had just appeared in the Super Bowl for the fourth time in eight years, and third with Tarkenton. Too bad Minnesota never went back to the Super Bowl again. (MSA, 1977)

Gulf Danny White Super Bowl advertisement - 1981

Fun NFL trivia — Dallas Cowboys quarterback Danny White was part of the team when they won Super Bowl XII, but did not start at that position. He was the team’s starting punter until Roger Staubach retired. (Gulf, 1981)

Winchester ammo John Riggins advertisement - 1983

Every time Joe Theismann called for the shotgun formation, John Riggins could barely contain his erection. (Winchester, 1983)

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