Saturday Serials: “Poison Peril” (Batman 1943, Chapter 6)
Can you stand one more iota of Bat-thrills and Bat-chills? Because here comes the sixth chapter in the 1943 Columbia Pictures Batman serial film, “Poison Peril”!
As we pick up the action this week, the stolen secret airplane Batman is aboard is shot down by stock footage of anti-aircraft batteries. You could probably guess that he escapes the crash, because if he didn’t then the last nine chapters of the serial would be pretty morose.
One confusing point in the chapter concerns geography. The stolen plane crashes just outside a town called Edgeworth. The thing is, I can’t find anything listing Edgeworth, California as a real place. Remember now, last week’s chapter firmly established Batman’s base of operations as Los Angeles, so why bother coming up with phony places now?
The only Edgeworth in the U.S. I could find is in Pennsylvania, and I doubt the plane got that far. Oh well.
Enjoy “Poison Peril”!
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