Pop Culture Capsule — Superman through the Years
Since his debut in 1938, Superman has become an American icon and has appeared in countless media adaptations. Well not countless, but a lot. More than I count. To show the evolution of Superman, here’s a photo/image gallery representing how the Last Son of Krypton has appeared over the decades.
Action Comics #1, June 1938 (art by Joe Shuster)
Superman Fleischer Studios animated films (1941 – 1943)
Superman, serial film starring Kirk Alyn (1948)
Adventures of Superman, TV series starring George Reeves (1952 – 1958)
Superman (Vol. 1) #99, August 1955 (art by Al Plastino)
It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…It’s Superman, Broadway musical starring Bob Holiday (1966)
Super Friends, animated TV series (1973)
Superman, film starring Christopher Reeve (1978)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, TV series starring Dean Cain (1993 – 1997)
Superman: The Animated Series, TV series (1996 – 2000)
Kingdom Come, 1997 comic book mini-series (art by Alex Ross)
Smallville, TV series starring Tom Welling (2001 – 2011)
Superman Returns, film starring Brandon Routh (2006)
Man of Steel, film starring Henry Cavill (2013)
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