A Pair of Suffragette Valentine’s Day Cards
I thought I had seen every type of Valentine’s Day card there was, but apparently I was wrong. Apparently it was a thing in the early 20th century to give out cards with a suffragette theme, as evidenced by the two cards I am sharing with you today. They both directly address the issue of a woman’s right to vote, which as we know was granted with the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920.
The first card, which I’m guessing was printed pre-1920, is pretty blunt in its message:
I’ll give you time to think it over!
Fairest Suffragette
Be My Valentine
And With This Bracelet
Link Your Hands & Fate With Mine
The imagery of the handcuffs is pretty evocative, wouldn’t you agree?
The second card, which looks like it might have been produced after the 19th Amendment was ratified, seems to be decidedly less bold and progressive to me.
If I can vote, why not propose?
If I am bold you must excuse me.
I’ve loved you for ages, goodness knows!
And don’t you dare, Sir, to refuse me.
Maybe it’s just my 21st century self pushing judgment, but this reads like the lyrics to a Dusty Springfield song. Having won the right to vote, I guess it’s time to get down on your knees and snag a man?
(via Heritage Auctions)