Media Review Info
From time to time I receive media to review on this site, mostly in the form of CDs, DVDs, books, etc. I’m always receptive to getting these and reviewing them, but I do want to mention a few things.
First, I can’t guarantee that I’ll get to everything I receive. As effortless as updating this site may seem, it is actually pretty time-consuming and I do in fact have a full-time job already. Sometimes I have to prioritize, and until I start making mad cash from this site I have to put other concerns ahead of it.
Second, I rarely publish negative reviews (this is especially true of material from independent bands, authors, etc.). If an established act comes out with a bad album I’ll say so, but if a publicist for a small, independent band sends a CD and I don’t like it I’m more likely to not post a review at all. I guess I just feel bad about ripping on a struggling artist. But if you send me something and are OK with a negative review (after all, it is still publicity), just let me know in advance.
So if you’re down with all that and still want to send me stuff to review, go for it. The best way to reach me for this is to just send a line through the Contact page. And a hearty thanks to all who have sent me stuff in the past, even if I wasn’t able to write about it!
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