Listening booth — Josh Fix, “The Water in My Brain”
Today’s edition of the listening booth is special for me, as it celebrates the most important event in my life thus far. On this day one year ago, my son Justin was born. It was about this time that I was really getting into the full-length debut from Josh Fix, Free At Last.
As I drove back and forth to the hospital in those few days when time seemed to freeze, this album was in constant rotation. For that reason, I will always associate Free At Last with my little man. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also one of the best power pop albums I’ve heard in years.
One song that resonated in particular with me is “The Water in My Brain.” That melody lodged itself in my brain for weeks, and has never really left. One day I will share it with Justin and hope he loves it as much as I do.
Happy first birthday buddy!