Listening booth — Dengue Fever, “Cement Slippers”
It’s been entirely too long since Dengue Fever released their last studio album, 2008’s excellent Venus on Earth. That album, if you remember, earned a coveted slot on my year-end Best Of list for ’08.
But the wait will be over on April 19, when the group is slated to release Cannibal Courtship via Fantasy Records/Concord Music Group. Of course you can pre-order the album on Amazon, but I’ve got an .mp3 of the first single for your listening pleasure. It’s the second track, “Cement Shoes,” and it’s a burner.
The group’s signature style — vintage 1960s Cambodian rock mingled with surf music and a bit of lounge thrown in for good measure — is here, but sounds beefier than before. The dual vocals of guitarist Zac Holtzman and Cambodian chanteuse Chhom Nimol also work for me in a big way.
So don’t say I never give you anything, because here is the .mp3 of “Cement Slippers.” Enjoy!
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- Dengue Fever: Spring Tour Dates (jambase.com)
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