Here’s Your Rush ‘Clockwork Angels’ Album Cover and Track Listing

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Here’s a special Wednesday edition of Album Cover of the Week. It’s the cover for Clockwork Angels, the upcoming studio album from Rush. It’s their first studio LP since 2007’s Snakes & Arrows. Behold!

Rush - Clockwork Angels album cover

The press release doesn’t say who designed the cover, but I’m guessing it was Hugh Syme again. It reminds me of that old internet game Alchemy. And wouldn’t you know it, but according to the press release this will be a concept album that “chronicles a young man’s quest across a lavish and colorful world of steampunk and alchemy as he attempts to follow his dreams.  The story features lost cities, pirates, anarchists, an exotic carnival, and a rigid Watchmaker who imposes precision on every aspect of daily life.”

Well OK then. Sounds like it could be cool, or it could be a mess like Judas Priest’s Nostradamus record. In any case, the album is out June 12th. Here’s the track listing:

  1. Caravan
  2. BU2B
  3. Clockwork Angels
  4.  The Anarchist
  5. Carnies
  6. Halo Effect
  7. Seven Cities of Gold
  8. The Wreckers
  9. Headlong Flight
  10. BU2B2
  11. Wish Them Well
  12. The Garden

Looks like it’s time to fire up the Rush geekery in these parts. For starters, you should check out the four-part countdown of the greatest Rush studio albums that I ran prior to Snakes & Arrows:

Part 1 (#17 – #15) — RushHold Your FireRoll the Bones
Part 2 (#14 – #12) –  Test for EchoVapor TrailsFly by Night
Part 3 (#11 – #9) — Caress of SteelPower WindowsPresto
Part 4 (#8 – #5) — CounterpartsHemispheres2112A Farewell to Kings
Part 5 (#4 – #1)Signals, Grace Under Pressure, Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures

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