Here’s some stuff I enjoyed this week
Here’s a fresh batch of some quality interweb finds I’ve come across over the last 7 days or so:
- You’ve read endless commentary on the Miami University football booster scandal involving Nevin Shapiro, why not read the original investigation by Charles Robinson? (Yahoo! Sports)
- A very cool photo gallery by Natsumi Hayashi, the “levitating girl” from Tokyo (Geekologie)
- Will Google+ be able to unseat Flickr as the premiere destination for photographers on the web? (TechCrunch)
- A fascinating gallery of photographs taken by the East German Stasi (secret police) during the Cold War era. (Conscientious Extended)
- You’d swear this article on the role of police patrols and the impact of broken windows in a neighborhood wasn’t written almost 30 years ago, it’s so relevant (The Atlantic)
- There Once Was a Man Named Leotard: People Who Became Nouns (Slate)
- According to this essay, the explosion of student debt in the last decade is a pernicious trend that the colleges themselves are encouraging. (The Atlantic)
- How to protect yourself against a possible privacy hole on Amazon (Wish List Exposed)
- The nature of Marty McFly and Doc Brown’s friendship is explained by Back to the Future co-writer Bob Gale (I Watch Stuff)
Related articles
- Two Fellows Very Surprised By The Miami Allegations: Luke Campbell And Al Golden [Miami Hurricanes] (deadspin.com)
- Nevin Shapiro: SEC Schools Tied to Miami Football Scandal Will Dodge Bullets (bleacherreport.com)
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