Here’s some stuff I enjoyed this week
Here’s a fresh batch of some quality interweb finds I’ve come across over the last 7 days or so:
- Supposedly this is the first ever designed album cover, designed by Alex Steinweiss for a George Gershwin collection. (It’s a Small Web)
- Remembering the devastation in Hiroshima, Japan, on the 66th anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion (Fans in a Flashbulb)
- An interesting essay by Neil deMause on the apparent collapse of the sports ticket market, and what it may mean for fans (Slate)
- LinkedIn users — learn how to opt out of having your images used for marketing purposes (Boing Boing)
- Burger King’s bizarre 1970s-era attempt to compete with McDonald’s by creating the Burger King Kingdom; and you thought The King was creepy before? (Thought Catalog)
- An absolutely fantastic live-action recreation of some of Blue Note’s most iconic album covers (Vimeo)
Related articles
- R.I.P., Hall of Famer, Alex Steinweiss (lpcoverlover.com)
- Man shot at Buckhead Burger King (ajc.com)
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