Football Friday — Vintage NFL Team Media Guides and Yearbooks, Part 1

Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, there almost wasn’t a Football Friday post this week. But I couldn’t let that happen to you, my faithful fans and readers. But I will compromise and just give you a gallery of some classic NFL team media guide/yearbook covers. Consider this a preview of the next permanent section of the main site; a sister gallery to my AFL game program exhibit if you will.

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Philadelphia Eagles 1951

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Los Angeles Rams 1959

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Baltimore Colts 1958

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Green Bay Packers 1982

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Dallas Cowboys 1980 (Tony Dorsett)

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Cleveland Browns 1962

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Chicago Bears 1955

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - Atlanta Falcons 1970

NFL Media Guide/Yearbook cover - New York Giants 1976

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