Cross-pollination: My favorite instrumentals (on Popdose)
It’s been a long time since my last super-awesome Popdose mixtape, so I decided to jump in again. I imagine this week’s mix would win the approval of Eddie Van Halen, noted hater of lead singers (he did coin the phrase Lead Singer Disease after all). Of course my inclusion of one of VH’s lesser-known tracks (“Sunday Afternoon in the Park”) helps.
Here’s one track that didn’t quite make the cut, although it is certainly as worthy as the others. It’s “The Sheltering Sky,” from King Crimson’s Discipline.
And yes, I threw Kiss into the mix.
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- The Popdose Podcast: Episode 18 (popdose.com)
- The Popdose VIDEO Interview: Nick Offerman (“Parks & Recreation”) (popdose.com)