Calling all writers!

This could be you!
Have you ever dreamed of writing for a world-famous, highly successful website? Well I have too. But until then I write for this site, and so can you! That’s right, the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit is putting out an open casting call for contributing writers. Interested? Of course you are. Here’s some of the pertinent details:
*There’s no money involved, so don’t bother quitting your day job.
*There’s no quota for content – if you want to contribute once a month that’s cool. If you’d like to write once a week, even better.
*I’d first like to see some evidence that you can at least string a few intelligent thoughts together in a coherent manner (i.e. if you have a site I’ll look at that, or look at some other things you’ve written).
*You can write about almost any topic, so long as what you write is a) interesting, b) funny, or c) both.
*If you do have your own site or project I’ll help promote it, allowing you to harness the marketing power of dozens of visitors a day.
*Any content you provide for GFS becomes the property of this site. That means it can’t be something already published elsewhere, and it also means I won’t remove the content even if do want to publish it elsewhere.
That’s pretty much it. If this sounds like a dream come true, then tarry not a second longer and use the Contact Me page at the top of the screen to get things rolling.