What’s Hot for Christmas? Lowered Expectations.
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"Would you like some dignity with that?"
I understand the appeal of children’s playsets designed to let kids do adult things — bubble lawn mowers, Matchbox car washes, even the Fisher-Price My First Meth Lab. It’s fun to act like a grownup, even if you’re pretending to perform the most mundane of adult tasks. But I have to say that the McDonald’s Playset just doesn’t sit right with me.
I remember being a kid and using a broomstick guitar while imagining I was Ace Frehley. I used to run with a Nerf football and imagine I was John Riggins romping over the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl XVII. I just can’t picture my kid playing “McDonald’s Drive-Thru Worker” with this set and imagining they would do anything more than peak in high school.
Oh sure, you could buy this for your child and boast of the fact that it “teaches math.” Thing is, I’m pretty sure operating one of the real things doesn’t require more than the ability to know which button equates to “soggy fries.”
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