Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Reel 3

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This is it folks — the thrilling, action-packed, spandex-clad conclusion to the epic showdown between the heroic (if not slightly befuddled) duo of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl and the teeth-clenching villainy of Spider Lady! In case you’ve just joined us, you can catch up on the first two reels here and here.

#1 — Still disguised, Spider Lady took the sacred idol.

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

Wait, what’s this about an idol? When the hell did this enter the story? This might just be the first MacGuffin in View-Master history.

#2 — Dynagirl’s ElectraComp went dead.

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

#3 — Dynagirl was amazed to see two Loris!

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

What! Two Electra Women?! Now we’ll get half the investigating done!

#4 — But Spider Lady changed back to real self.

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

You know, if Electra Woman did a little less posing she’d get a lot more crime fighting done.

#5 — Chasing her, the girls bumped an old lady.

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

Gimme that idol you old bag!

#6 — It was Spider Lady in another disguise!

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

Wait — how come she needed those transport pods from The Fly to disguise herself before, but now she just needs an empty soundstage?

#7 — They caught her on roof, rescued the idol.

Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2

It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that Dyna Girl is the engine that makes this pair go. She springs into action while Electra Woman and Spider Lady get involved in a pose-down.

Well that wraps it up kids. I hope you enjoyed yet another look into yesteryear courtesy View-Master. I have no idea what I’ll be presenting next, but you better believe it will be mildly entertaining!

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    "dyna girl", "dynagirl", "Electra Woman Dyna Girl"