Vintage Photo Wednesday, Vol. 9 — Republican National Conventions

As the GOP prepares to party in Tampa and nominate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to take on Barack Obama this November, I thought I’d take a look at Republican National Conventions gone by. Here’s a selection of vintage photographs from GOP pow-wows starting with 1908 and ending with 1976.

1908 — Chicago (William Howard Taft)

Republican National Convention, Coliseum, Chicago, June 16, 1908

Republican National Convention, Coliseum, Chicago, June 16, 1908

1912 — Chicago (William Howard Taft)

California Suffragettes - Isabella Blaney, Mary Willmarth, and Jane Addams

California Suffragettes – Isabella Blaney, Mary Willmarth, and Jane Addams

1916 – Chicago (Charles Evans Hughes)

1916 Republican National Convention, Chicago

1916 Republican National Convention, Chicago

1920 — Chicago (Warren G. Harding)

Republican National Convention, 1920

Republican National Convention, 1920

1936 — Cleveland (Alf Landon)

1936 Republican National Convention - Alf Landon Supporters

1936 Republican National Convention – Alf Landon Supporters

1940 — Philadelphia (Wendell Willkie)

1940 Republican National Convention

1940 Republican National Convention

1944 — Chicago (Thomas E. Dewey)

1944 Republican National Convention

1944 Republican National Convention – Thomas E. Dewey Supporters

1948 — Philadelphia (Thomas E. Dewey)

National Councilman John E. Jackson attending the Republican Convention.

National Councilman John E. Jackson attending the Republican Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

1952 — Chicago (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Attendees at the 1952 Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois

Attendees at the 1952 Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois

1956 — San Francisco (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Attendees at the 1956 Republican National Convention, San Francisco, California

Attendees at the 1956 Republican National Convention, San Francisco, California

1960 — Chicago (Richard M. Nixon)

1960 Republican National Convention

1960 Republican National Convention – Scene after Nixon wins the nomination.

1964 — San Francisco (Barry Goldwater)

Supporters of Barry Goldwater waving signs at 1964 Republican National Convention.

Supporters of Barry Goldwater waving signs at 1964 Republican National Convention, San Francisco.

1968 — Miami Beach

1968 Republican National Convention

NBC News correspondent John Chancellor interviewing California Governor Ronald Reagan.

1972 — Miami Beach

1972 Republican National Convention

(L-R) Sammy Davis Jr., David and Julie Eisenhower, Tricia and Ed Cox attending the 1972 Republican National Convention.

1976 — Kansas City (Gerald Ford)

President Gerald Ford's supporters at the Republican National Convention, Kansas City, Missouri

President Gerald Ford’s supporters at the Republican National Convention, Kansas City, Missouri