Vintage Photo Wednesday, Vol. 15: Vintage Halloween Costumes

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The internet is full of pictures featuring vintage Halloween costumes, so do we really need another gallery? Yes, yes we do.

Four contestants of the Halloween Slick Chick beauty contest in Anaheim, Calif., 1947.

Four contestants of the Halloween Slick Chick beauty contest in Anaheim, Calif., 1947.

Annual Eagles' Minstrel Show at Turner Hall, 1911.

Annual Eagles’ Minstrel Show at Turner Hall, 1911.

Undated vintage Halloween costume photo - clowns

Can’t sleep, dull clowns will eat me!

Children's Halloween costume party - 1941

Children’s Halloween costume party – 1941

Vintage Kiss Halloween costumes - Ace Frehley and Gene Simmons

Vintage Kiss Halloween costumes – Ace Frehley and Gene Simmons

OK, so maybe this last one stretches the definition of vintage a bit. But hey, it’s Kiss and that’s good enough for me. I only wish there were existing photos of me when I dressed like Gene as a kid — with actual face paint no less!

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