A Gallery of Vintage Blank Audio Cassette Tapes

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It’s easy to get nostalgic for the days of vinyl records — it’s harder to muster up the same sentiment for audio cassettes. They didn’t sound as good and they could be a pain in the ass to deal with. About the only thing they had going for them was size. Still, seeing them does bring back memories of countless hours spent making mixtapes and recording old episodes of the Howard Stern Show from the radio (WXRK New York to be specific).

So whether you grew up with names like Maxell, BASF, and TDK as a part of your lives or not, you should get some enjoyment out of this gallery of blank audio cassette tapes — most of which are from the ’80s. Many of these specimens are brands and cassette lines that I used. All images are courtesy the excellent site tapedeck.org.

Blank audio cassette tape (Maxell)


Blank audio cassette tape (Sanyo)


Blank audio cassette tape (Audio Magnetics)

Audio Magnetics

Blank audio cassette tape (Scotch)


Blank audio cassette tape (Radio Shack)

Radio Shack

Blank audio cassette tape (Ampex)


Blank audio cassette tape (JVC)


Blank audio cassette tape (BASF)


Blank audio cassette tape (TDK)


Blank audio cassette tape (Maxell)


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