Venture Bros. Season 2 DVD teaser promo!
Courtesy Jackson Publick’s blog, there is now a viewable teaser trailer for the upcoming DVD set of The Venture Bros., Season 2. It debuted at the recent New York Comic-Con, but is now available for our viewing pleasure. I have to admit, I had a hard time getting into the 2nd season when it started. The whole “Hank/Dean as clones” plot device didn’t sit well with me, but I got over it and enjoyed the rest of the season. One thing I loved — lots of Dr. Orpheus! It’s probably a good thing I ended up digging the season, because it looks like Season 3 won’t hit the airwaves until next Spring. Bummer.
Woohoo! I miss new Venture Bros.
I don’t know why, but the clone thing never bothered me. Maybe it’s because I got such a kick out of the death montage. Dean running with scissors is one of my favorite LJ icons.