All because…
I don’t know if you’ve seen these awful “All because two people fell in love” signs, but they’re inescapable these days. They’re usually found either as stand-alone signs or as a frame full of pictures of peoples’ kids. The first time I saw one of these, I thought it was kind of sweet – in a somewhat treacly sort of way.
Now the damn things are everywhere, and I’ve grown to loathe them. The only thing worse than trite sentimentality is mass-marketed trite sentimentality, and this little saying is the verbal equivalent of those posters with the dressed-as-adults kids kissing or holding hands. Or even worse, Anne Geddes posters. *shudder*
So as an alternative, I offer up a few variations on this “All because…” theme that are a little more grounded in reality. Feel free to print any of these and hang them in the high-traffic room of your choice!
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