Album cover of the week: Era Vulgaris
In addition to being a pretty kickass album and major return to form for Queens of the Stone Age after the disappointing Lullabies to Paralyze, Era Vulgaris features some of the coolest cover art and packaging of recent times. Check it out:
These are but two of the characters created for Era Vulgaris – Patchy the Pirate and Bulby. Designed by Jason Noto and Doug Cunningham of Morning Breath Inc., they were part of a relatively elaborate (for QOTSA anyway) marketing campaign leading up to the record’s release in June 2007. That campaign included some short promotional videos as well. Here’s Bulby explaining just how the QOTSA magic works:
And here’s Bulby’s big day, the photo shoot for the Era Vulgaris album cover.
Come to think of it, Bulby sounds like a cross between Butt-head and Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.
Anyway, the fun doesn’t stop there. In addition to the physical booklet included with the CD, you can access a digital version that is pretty damn appealing. While you’re at it, check out Morning Breath’s rather impressive portfolio, which should appeal to anyone who enjoys the artistic sensibilities of The Venture Bros. or John Kricfalusi.
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