Album Cover Gallery — End of Summer Blues
One of the great things about being an adult is I no longer suffer through the end-of-summer blues that every school age kid does. You remember the feeling — as the dog days of August wind down, the sun sets a little earlier and back to school ads dot the TV and retail store landscape. There’s this gnawing feeling — subtle at first but growing — that your days of freedom are coming to an end. Your steps get a little heavier, your eyes a little duller.
The same malaise afflicts us adults — on a slightly lesser scale — as we trade beaches and cookouts for cubicles and microwave lunches. I’m getting kind of depressed just thinking about it.
I wanted to capture that mood for this latest album cover gallery but knew it was a tall order, so I brought in some outside help. I reached out to John Purlia, friend of the Suit, and asked him to put together a collection capturing the end of summer blues for me. Below you’ll find a few of my favorites.
To see more of John Purlia’s works and assorted artistic endeavors, check out his website, Facebook page, and Etsy shop!
Here’s a slideshow of the entire collection John put together for this project. Enjoy!
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