So long, Hightower

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Bubba Smith

NFL and movie great Charles Aaron “Bubba” Smith, who has died at age 66, is now free to crush quarterbacks and Honda Civics in heaven. Let’s take a look at some of his most memorable work, both in the NFL and in his post-football career.

Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment

Until It Hurts (Bubba’s exercise video)

Married… with Children (Al Bundy vs. Spare Tire Dixon)

Baltimore Colts vs. Oakland Raiders (AFC Championship — January 3, 1971)

Smith (#78) knocked Raiders starting QB Daryle Lamonica out of the game (skip to the hit), and the Colts went on to a 27-17 victory. They advanced to Super Bowl V and beat the Dallas Cowboys, 16-13. Incidentally, it’s a proven fact that hits in the NFL are twice as vicious when narrated by John Facenda.

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