2010: The Gray Flannel Suit Year That Was
It’s been another fun year for me in running this site, and I’d like to thank all of you who visit regularly, irregularly, or even once. I’d also like to thank everyone who has helped by contributing comments and post ideas. It’s good to know there’s at least a few people out there who enjoy my little corner of the intertubes. Since we’re in the midst of year-end review season, let’s take a quick look back at the posting year that was 2010 for The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.
Most Popular Posts
This is really what it’s all about right? It’s always interesting to me to see what content takes off and what content gets largely ignored. Since I want to stay positive I’ll focus on the former. So here are the eleven most-popular posts on the site for 2010.
#11. Happy Hoff-Day! – David Hasselhoff is ageless, wouldn’t you agree? Apparently many do, as this birthday celebration post from all the way back in 2007 is an evergreen. For Hoff lovers, might I recommend you check out my Hasselhoff/Shatner showdown post from 2008?
#10. Rush album countdown: #4-#1 – Leading up to the 2007 release of Rush’s Snakes & Arrows, I took on the task of ranking every Rush studio album to that point. As you can guess, this was the payoff.
#9. Retrotisements – Marlboro cigarettes – I’ve made no secret about my fascination with American tobacco advertising. This classic from July 2007 showcases some vintage Marlboro ads, from long before the Marlboro Man rode into the American pop culture scene. Maybe he was one of the infants from these early ads?
#8. Album cover of the week: Peter Gabriel (car) – The second album cover post in the top 10, this one showcases the debut album of prog rock legend and former Genesis frontman Peter Gabriel. Creepy stuff.
#7. Rush album countdown: #8-#5 – I guess fewer people were interested in the big finish to the Rush countdown? Or maybe I didn’t rank A Farewell to Kings high enough?
#6. Commercials I hate – Hyundai Sonata hipster Christmas – And making a late charge into the top 10, it’s everybody’s least favorite car commercial featuring annoying hipster musicians. I figured I wasn’t the only one who hated this spot, but even I was surprised to see how this post resonated.
#5. Album cover of the week: The Who Sell Out – I think I’m getting the picture that I need to get on the stick with more album cover posts. Or at least more with cool information, like this Who one.
#4. Michael – Death is a weird thing. I and countless others spent years distancing ourselves from Michael Jackson and his music, and as soon as he died it’s like it was OK to like him again. I guess that means I can expect a ton of hits here when I kick the bucket?
#3. Attn: Cartoon porn enthusiasts – I’m not too proud to admit that I wrote this to mess with people. I noticed a strange trend of incoming searches for cartoon/Disney porn, so I set this up as a sort of welcome tent for pervs.
#2. America the Brave: A selection of Veterans Day images – I dusted off this 2008 image gallery in November, and it’s proven to be even more popular than before. The Vietnam War seems to be the main topic of interest for people looking at this post, so maybe I’ll write a new one just for ‘Nam.
#1. Album covers of the week: 1962-1966 & 1967-1970 – I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the most popular band of all-time is the subject of my most popular post of the year. I am a little surprised that this relatively obscure (for the Beatles) compilation is searched for so often. I imagine there will be at least one or two more Beatles albums in future installments of Album Covers of the Week.
Fun Stuff You May Have Missed
Since you and I both know that hit count isn’t always the best indication of quality, I’d like to highlight some of my favorite posts from the year.
- I can’t think of a better way to start a new year than with scary German people.
- Say what you want about McDonald’s, but they sure know how to pander to various ethnic groups.
- Pity John Shuster. Dude got some firsthand experience of what it’s like to incur the wrath of armchair curlers.
- Down Syndrome actress Andrea Friedman joins the laundry list of people to point out what a blithering idiot Sarah Palin is.
- Anal Angst, anyone?
- It hardly seems possible that the Vancouver Olympics ended less than a year ago. Won’t you relive them with me?
- I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that none of these six unnecessary film sequels is in IMDB’s Top 100.
- A tribute to the late Hank Jones, one of the all-time great jazz pianists.
- Long before I hated the Hyundai hipster ad, I hated this AT&T ad.
- As if I need another excuse to take a detailed look at music, right? I really should get around to finishing this thing.
- No time or patience for Cliff’s Notes? Try AutoSummarize.
- Oh, those wacky North Koreans! Why won’t they accept my Facebook friend request??
- Remember Crazy Eddie and Bugle Boy? Well read this retrospective anyway.
- RIP Eddie Fisher, 1928-2010
- Trust Obi-Wan, he knows his fantasy football.
- Baseball and vintage ads, what’s not to love?
- McRib. You know you love it.
- You laugh now (I hope), but warning labels like these aren’t too far away.
- Fare the well, Sony Walkman.
- A loving look at the music of the legendary Vince Guaraldi.
- Here’s some of the more bizarre Christmas album covers you’ll ever see. And that’s saying something.
- Could it be that the Super Mario Bros. theme is this generation’s “Yesterday”?
- And finally, my traditional year-end music wrapups – songs and albums.