Vintage View-Master: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, reel 2
You’ve had a few weeks to cool down after the intense action from reel 1 of the Electra Woman and Dyna Girl View-Master reel set, so let’s get back to it! As we left off, Electra Woman was in the semi-competent clutches of the vicious Spider Lady and Deidre Hall was desperately trying to get her agent to return her calls.
I won’t keep you waiting any longer, so it’s back into Spider Lady’s lair for more vintage 1970s-style superhero action!
#1 – Spider Lady’s assistant threw the switch–
— and instantly transported everyone into a cheap ’60s color TV set!
#2 – –and Spider Lady had become Lori’s “twin”!
You know, both of them seem rather nonplussed — bored, even — by the proceedings here.
#3 – “I’ve duplicated your voice everything.”
Again, Electra Woman seems none too troubled by what has just transpired here. I’m not saying Adam West was the greatest actor in the world, but if this had happened to Batman we’d be getting some kind of reaction.
#4 – Spider Lady freed five hungry tarantulas.
Well that was nice of her! We’ll just overlook the fact that she could have easily fed them at some point before now.
#5 – Even Dynagirl was fooled by the “disguise.”
That’s a bit harsh wouldn’t you say? I mean Spider Lady is an exact duplicate, it’s not like she just threw a blonde wig on. But I suppose the first clue that this wasn’t the real Electra Woman should’ve been when she actually managed to capture a criminal.
#6 – At Electrobase, fake “Lori” planted bomb.
She actually planted it in Frank, but by then he was already so dead inside that he didn’t even notice.
#7 – Tarantulas were on Electrawoman’s legs by now!
Oh no! A mere three hours later and the spiders were already up to Electra Woman’s ankles!
Tune in next time for the thrilling conclusion of View-Master’s Electra Woman and Dyna Girl! Where we’ll find out if Frank will finally be put out of his misery, and if the hungry tarantulas can make it up to Electra Woman’s knee by Christmas!
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