Cross-pollination: My old-school metal mixtape on Popdose!
My last Popdose mixtape (five-star jazz) seemed to go over pretty well on Popdose, so I thought I’d mix it up this time and delve into my first true love — heavy metal. This mixtape focuses on the metal that was burned into my brain during its formative years. So it should come as no surprise that I included Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Metallica among others.
So bust out that denim jacket and head over to Popdose now to check out my metal mix. Because it’s what Dio would want you to do. But just before you do, as a super-special bonus here’s one of the tracks that very nearly made the cut. It’s the first track from Anthrax’s blistering 1990 album Persistence of Time — “Time.”